Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Let It Be

You might ask why I'm so happy today, despite recently watching one of my favorite bands' music get destroyed. My joy is born from hours and days of hilarous conversation, not to mention the remarkable insight of my friend MacBeck yesterday.

But, sure, I have an opinion about American Idol as well. I think it's worth it to keep in mind that there are so many nerves on that stage. Undoubtedly that's part of the industry--being able to get in front of people. But that's a lot easier when you have confirmation that you're good enough, and for many of them that confirmation won't come unless they win it all. Unless you're David Cook, who has basically just proven that he can sort of play a guitar, mimic Eddie Vedder's vocal tone, sport a modern combover and has enough ego for all the high schools in America. However, I'm thankful that he did not destroy any of the greatest songs ever recorded.

Could the horse whisperer go now?

Poor Michael Johns. The minute I knew he was singing "A Day in the Life" I knew it was going to be unfortunate. I said to Larry, "You just can't do that in a minute and a half. It's more about the music than the lyrics anyway." Simon basically said the same thing.

Paula, again, said nothing constructive.

Actually, I'm not sure any of them say anything constructive anymore. If they do a ballad, they say it's not interesting. If they rock out, they say it doesn't show enough range.

It's amazing what people get paid for.

I'm trying to think of one performance that I liked, not that anyone cares, but I just can't. And I don't blame the performers, I blame the show's executives. They never should've done two weeks of The Beatles. Everyone would naturally gravitate toward doing their best song during week one, immediately setting up week two for failure.

They should've let it be.


Unknown said...

Phone is dead...but we made it safely. Got the email. I hate to say I told you so. It's a cycle, just like the stuff I see as a psychologist to teens. I'm wishing you all the best Easter ever. See you when we get back! I know the girls will be geared up for a play date!

becky...I mean MacBeck :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't they have stylists? Hair and make up people? Aren't these people failing at their jobs when they don't turn to David Cook and say, "This combover thing needs to stop."

Speaking of "needs to stop," I think one of the biggest problems Idol has been having the last few seasons has been the constant theme weeks. I'm thinking back to the better seasons of the show, and... they didn't do themes EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Just, maybe, twice per season. Now, they ONLY do themes. There would probably be a lot more creative energy from the contestants if they could explore a range of music instead of one specific genre or band or decade every week. We never would have heard Fantasia sing "Summertime" if they had strict themes during her season.

And, as I Twittered, I think Carly Smithson is the breakout star this season. She killed it on both of those Beatles songs. She has the strongest, most consistent, most experienced voice this season.