Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What I'm Loving: A top 20

1. That summer glow, that baby glow, that in-love glow

2. Watching Pens games with my favorites. (I'm going to miss you, Ry and Rizzo!)

3. Surprises from my mom.

4. Funny things the kids say. For example, we were recently behind one of the three taxicabs in Pittsburgh, and Cienna said, "Mommy, why is that car wearing a hat? That's silly."

5. Not having writer's block.

6. Plans with the best of the best for SATC and dinner at the end of the month.

7. Mr. C and his incredible cooperation. He's the best person to work with ever.

8. Being part of a Christian ministry that truely accomplishes something.

9. Being soulful and peaceful.

10. Generating ideas.

11. Ty not needing surgery.

12. That Ty is saying a couple more words each day.

13. Soup.

14. Bran flakes and light vanilla soymilk.

15. All the hostas in my back yard that remind me of those at my mom's and grandmother's.

16. Being outside with the fam, blowing bubbles and playing in sandboxes.

17. Prayer.

18. Recapturing my love of photography--sometimes it takes the right camera.

19. Mother's Day cards the kids made with Daddy that make me smile every time I look at them.

20. Pilates.